Carefully phrased and carefully chosen slogans by the Pro-Choice crowd are part of a deception that conceals the awful truth about their murder of the unborn. We’re Americans, and Americans have a great love of freedom. The word “choice” immediately appeals to that sense. But it is a phrase that deliberately and deceptively stops short of revealing what the choice is. It’s the choice of a Roman emperor watching the gladiators in the Coliseum – thumbs up or thumbs down, life or death.
But we’re not in a Roman coliseum with life or death for a rugged, but defeated gladiator. This is life or death for an innocent human being in the safe environment nature provides for it. This thumbs down choice is the murder of a tiny human being at the mercy of someone with, by comparison, an overwhelming power. It is the strong murdering the weak.
But, some will protest, “I’m merely pro-choice, not pro-abortion.” Let’s put it this way: Do you want abortions to continue or to be banned? You want them to continue, right?, because you want women to continue to have the “right” to choose to murder their unborn child. Thus, you want abortions to continue. You’re pro-abortion.
More than that, since you are pro-choice and therefore pro-abortion, you are actually pro-murder since abortion murders the unborn child. You’re Pro-Murder.
The same goes for those who say they are pro-life but don’t want to interfere. “I don’t want to impose my will on others.” “Live and let live”. “I’m against abortion, but it’s up to them.” No, you’re Pro-Murder, too, and for exactly the same reason. Your hands-off approach means you desire that the right to abortion continues. You’re actually for their right to choose. You’re Pro Pro-Choice. It’s just something you wouldn’t do, something you think is wrong for you to do, but something you want to continue since you’re not for stopping the murders. Thus, you, too are Pro-Murder.
There is no middle ground in this issue. Either you want the murders to continue or you don’t.
Those of us who are pro-life are anti-murder. As we change tactics to undo the deception of the pro-murder slogans, we must be very blunt about revealing what they have been concealing. Pro-choice means pro-murder and we must quit using the first and adopt the second.